Sunday, 1 October 2017

Resolve To Unleash Your Creative Energy

Resolve To Unleash Your Creative Energy

You've taken a hit. Life has knocked you down, but you are not knocked out. You have more going for you than you realize. Others might laugh and say you're through. But they don't know you like that. You have the ability to pull victory from the jaws of defeat! Now is the time for you to gather your wits; clear your head and mind; and dig down deep. Resolve to unleash your creative energy, unstoppable attitude and resourcefulness.

You Have GREATNESS Within You

Do not let a temporary situation cause you to make a permanent decision about your possibilities and your future. Keep pushing forward despite the odds or how you feel at the moment. Give out but do not give up! Dare to be GREAT!! You have GREATNESS within you!

When you find yourself ready to complain about anything, stop and think of a way to replace that negative complaint with a positive suggestion. Just imagine how powerfully and positively that simple step could influence your work and your relationships with others.

Think of how much it could reduce your level of stress. And what about all of those silent complaints you utter to yourself? Rather than letting them steal your precious time, resolve to do something about them.
When you find a complaint coming on, step forward and take positive, productive action instead. Use your time and energy for accomplishing great things, not for worrying about blame or spreading criticism.

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